though i still think socal is MUCH better than norcal, i really enjoyed the time spent up there. the picturesque scenery with colorful leaves (my favorite!), the quietness of the city, the feeling of winter (even though the weather was a little too cold for me)... it was quite a peaceful and pleasant three days.
so why the word, "donkey" as part of my title? to nobody's surprise, i got sick again during the trip. my nasty cold turned my voice into that of a pleasant.
nonetheless, the short time we had in san jose was another great time of bonding w/my classmates. there were a lot of things to be thankful for during the trip: God's creation, my illness, and the fellowship with my class.
as if God didn't put enough things to surround me w/His work as Creator, i was in more awe when we went up Hunter's Point, a small hiking trail. Hunter's Point reminded me of the scene at the end of Sound of Music when the Von Trapp family is walking over the hills. the trail was a little muddy, but the vastness and lush greenery of the hills were gorgeous. at the top of the hill, we could see pretty much all of the city. it was quite breathtaking. perhaps these snapshots could better describe how beautiful Hunter's Point is.
ain't it pretty? =)
now, it isn't easy to say this, because i absolutely hate it whenever i get sick, but... i honestly was really thankful that God, in His perfect timing, got me sick during the trip. praise God that He preserved me throughout the entire quarter from getting sick. usually, i catch a cold/flu at least twice a quarter, but He's been gracious enough to wait until after finals. even though my illness ruined our plans to go to san francisco, i was able to stay inside the house for most of the day and just read. while the others were getting a tour of cupertino, i was able to get a lot done w/Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot. ribby recommended it to me, so i thought it'd be a good book to bring to the trip. i finished most of it that day, and boy...Elisabeth sure knows how to write! she's one of those to the point, not going to sugar-coat anything kind of gals. i loved her honesty and frankness. if you're having an issue, she wouldn't say to perhaps consider the advice that she would be more like, "you have a problem. now you need to go, and fix it". one general thing that stood out to me in the book is how often we think our will to be that of God. when we really want something, we could easily turn our desire into thinking that this is what God desires for us, too. she warns us how we're quick to fall into the thinking that Christ is not sufficient.
Christ HAS to suffice for a Christian. there is a need to commit to Him daily if we ever even think about human companionship. if we truly believe He is enough, then we would have no trouble trusting in the will of God and His plan for our future...whether it's to remain single or move onto marriage. much to think about and work on, but i'm excited to see the faithfulness of God as He further molds me into His likeness. i love this hymn that she quoted from:
Have I an object, Lord, below,
which would divide my heart with Thee?
which would divide my heart with Thee?
lastly, and i saved the best for last, i'm beyond grateful for my class. this is the first year where i personally feel our class has been able to experience true fellowship within our group. we've always had fun together, and i definitely don't disregard the moments where i've been encouraged by the talks we've had and growth i've seen from my classmates in the past two years. but ever since we began our junior year, i could see the hunger and eagerness for Christ centered relationships from my entire class. whether it was starting up a class prayer meeting, going on a beginning-of-the-year camping trip, campus EVing together (pretty much as a class, haha), or having several/random opportunities to hang out at costa verde...the Lord has provided with me a class that desires to love God and His people. and this san jose trip was a perfect way to end the year with a sweet time of fellowship. thanks, fellow juniors, for continuing to encourage me =)

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