Monday, August 22, 2011


some things that have happened so far in 2011... a few trivial things, a few significant things, but all things that i want to remember:
  • walked at my last graduation ever from UCSD from Warren College
  • moved into a new apartment with best friend & 2 other dear friends
  • adopted a dog that we named Sonny who has taught me the joys and realities of being a responsible caretaker
  • got a full time job from Joseph Wong Design Associates thanks to a couple of my unnis who currently work there
  • saw the perks and challenges in leading my first small group for Collegelife freshmen and sophomore gals, whom i've grown to love tremendously
  • stepped down from College praise team and joined Sunday praise team, a ministry that has helped further my understanding of the importance of worshiping from the heart before focusing so much on performance.
  • went on a Senior class cruise trip to Catalina & Ensenada. learned a lot about myself during my time there
  • decided to be daring and got blunt bangs for the first time. was pretty happy with them, but will only be a once in a life kind of thing
  • visited my baby sister in Pittsburgh, where she got to research at Carnegie Melon University for the summer. super proud of her & how she faced her fears of being independent for a long period of time
  • found out that my sister is pregnant w/their first child's due any moment now
  • found out that my discipler is pregnant after a couple of years of challenges that she and her husband had to face
  • found out that my senior year small group leader is pregnant w/their first child ever
  • lots of pregnant people, i know...but it means a lot to me that God's blessing these particular people w/children =)
  • found my new favorite place in san diego to chill, eat, and get some good reading done: Solana Beach!
  • starting my own bridal hair & makeup business...currently in the making of business website and whatnot

1 comment:

  1. Even in writing you say "and whatnot" haha ;)
    We need to get some Megan memories up on that list! Too bad we both work and can never leave our desks :(

    23 days till dinner date! haha
