Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving {3 & 4}

Thankful for...
(this is a shout out to the ladies in my life)
{3} all the amazing women who have been bearing with my burdens, mourning while I mourn, and rejoicing when I rejoice these past couple of months. It's been a tough period of time, and God did not have to provide girlfriends to help me through it. I am so undeserving of the love that you gals extend to me, but your guys' friendship, prayers, and checkups on me have been such an encouragement. You all know who you are, and I love you all.


{4} the recent mothers (pregnant or with newborns) at our church. I am in awe by their faithfulness to maintain a good relationship with the church. It's difficult to imagine how they balance serving their family while also doing their best to make it out to all the crazy church events we have. I am so encouraged even just by their presence to these events, even if they're unable to stay for the whole time. Most of the new mothers have made some kind of impact on my life, and I'm grateful that they still make time to minister to me. You ladies exemplify Titus 2 women to me. Thank you.

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